Smithfield Farm.

Beautiful pink cherry blossoms on green tree branch

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Half a pineapple filled with juicy yellow pineapple chunks and cut up red strawberries
Fireplace mantel of grey panyed wood and door with a fluffy white robe
Perfect farm fresh speckled brown eggs in a white stoneware bowl
Two coffee mugs with the Smithfield Farm Bed and Breakfast logo on them
Light and airy bathroom with green walls and a claw-foot tub
Currant-studded pastries with icing on a blue plate
Light and airy dining room with table and chairs and sideboard
Half a pineapple filled with juicy yellow pineapple chunks and cut up red strawberries
Fireplace mantel of grey panyed wood and door with a fluffy white robe
Perfect farm fresh speckled brown eggs in a white stoneware bowl
Two coffee mugs with the Smithfield Farm Bed and Breakfast logo on them
Light and airy bathroom with green walls and a claw-foot tub
Currant-studded pastries with icing on a blue plate
Light and airy dining room with table and chairs and sideboard
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Half a pineapple filled with juicy yellow pineapple chunks and cut up red strawberries
Fireplace mantel of grey panyed wood and door with a fluffy white robe
Perfect farm fresh speckled brown eggs in a white stoneware bowl
Two coffee mugs with the Smithfield Farm Bed and Breakfast logo on them
Light and airy bathroom with green walls and a claw-foot tub
Currant-studded pastries with icing on a blue plate
Light and airy dining room with table and chairs and sideboard
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